Tuesday, February 5, 2008

TPR Certification

Today we had certification for temperature, pulse (apical and radial) and respiration in lab. I passed just fine. Each week we have to also take a quiz and need to get 80% before we can certify and if we don't pass by time 3, we're OUT. I got a 50% on the BP--blood presure-quiz and cried I was so upset. I read. I study. I just don't study the right way or enough apparently.

I had a headache all day. Perhaps stress-induced. It's still there. I'm going to go to bed early tonight. I will have to take the quiz again either tomorrow or Friday. I made some bad choices on the quiz.

BP is low in infants and gets higher as we age, in general.
Arm above heart would be false low and arm below would make it false high.

Can't remember some of my other mistakes right now.

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